The Original Purpose of The Church

…And the role you have to play

Gabriel Ladokun
4 min readApr 16, 2023

Did you really think God’s plan for His church was to be another religious body? Nah! God’s plan for the Church was and still is for her to be God’s government agency on earth — executing Heaven’s will and Heaven’s purposes in this sphere below the stellar heavens!

Why else would Jesus tell his disciples to pray this way “Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth just as it is in heaven”?

Let me put it this way: your nation was never left solely in the hands of the secular government. The political government has its place, no doubt, especially when such leaders are kingdom-minded. Remember, “…If the righteous are in government, the people rejoice” (Proverbs 29:2)

Does the scripture not say concerning Jesus, the founder of the Church that “…the government shall be on His shoulders.”? (Isaiah 9:6)

Jesus handed over the discipleship of the world to the church. When Jesus was about to leave, He told His ‘governing council’ — the church — “…you go into all the world and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

He left the nations and governing systems in the hands of the church. We have, sadly, shoved the entire responsibility into the hands of the political government and have absolved ourselves from all leadership and management.

The church is the salt of the nations. Of what relevance would we be if we lose our ‘saltiness’?

The church is the light of the world. Not a light to herself, but to the world. We seem to have lighted the lamp and put it under a bushel.

Without the light of the church, darkness will take over and everyone in the world will begin to grope in darkness.

Let me quickly say at this point that the church is neither the physical buildings nor the empires and all that we see around today. As it were, the church isn’t necessarily the public place where Christians gather to worship.

What really is the Church?

Jesus told Peter, “I will build my church…” (Matthew 16:18). This scripture was not talking about building a ‘synagogue’, a dome or a tabernacle or any other physical place of worship. Don’t get me wrong, physical gatherings are vital. The physical or public place of worship is where the church herself meets for fellowship, worship, and service.

The word “church” is from the Latin word “Ecclesia”. Ecclesia has its root in the Greek word “ekklesia”. The word is a compound of two segments: “Ek”, a preposition meaning “out of”, and a verb, “Kaleo”, signifying “to call” — together, literally, “to call out”. The church is the “…called out ones”; “an assembly of people”

Hold on…

According to Ancient Greek history, In the year 507 B.C., Cleisthenes, the leader of Athens — the capital of Greece — a powerful civilization and empire, introduced a system of political reforms that he termed ‘Demokratia’, or ‘rule by the people’ (from demos, “the people,” and Kratos, or “power”). This became the very first known democracy in the world.

The system comprised three separate institutions, the top of which was the “Ekklesia”, a sovereign governing body that wrote laws and dictated foreign policy. In today’s terms, the “Ekklesia” would be the senate, legislative assembly, governing body, state council, or parliament.

At meetings, the Ekklesia (the senate) made decisions about war and foreign policy, wrote and revised laws, and approved or condemned the conduct of public officials.

When Jesus said, “…I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18), He meant, in other words, I will build my “Ekklesia”.

Again, “Ekklesia” is the root word translated as “Church”. The English word: “Church” originates from the Greek word “Ekklesia” which means the governing assembly.

In essence, Jesus said, I will build my governing body, my legislative assembly on the earth, and they in turn will disciple and govern the nations of the earth.

The church is responsible for the nations. He said “…you make disciples of all nations” The church is supposed to be effective and relevant and impactful to the nations. The church has been equipped to govern and take over every mountain of influence — politics, business, education, financial institutions, culture, music, art, media, and entertainment.

To what end?

Till “…the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!” (Revelations 11:15). This is the ultimate purpose of God for the church. We have our part to play in God’s master plan while we are on earth.

The church must be in the heart of whatever makes a nation, such that it can influence the nation for the kingdom of God. The church should be at the helm of affairs of every aspect of the nation.

Jesus said to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations…

Your part?

Locate your God-ordained mountain of influence.

Local or International Politics? Business? What specific industry? Education? Financial institutions? Culture? Music, Art, Media and Entertainment?

Represent Christ and His Kingdom by constantly working on being the best in your organization while spreading the fragrance of God’s wisdom and knowledge.



Gabriel Ladokun
Gabriel Ladokun

Written by Gabriel Ladokun

As a Life Purpose Coach, I offer a thrilling adventure with practical biblical insights for living purposefully, maximally & extraordinarily.

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