Speaking in Tongues | 21 Amazing Benefits of Praying in Tongues
Speaking in Tongues | 21 Amazing Benefits of Praying in Tongues
Several years ago, when I just got saved and filled with the Spirit, my pastor asked me to speak in tongues for an hour every day. I did that faithfully, even though I seemed to struggle for the most part of it.
On the 53rd day or thereabout, the presence of God filled my room and I was caught up to the throne room of God. I saw the form of the Father seated on His throne and a special class of Angels flying in His Holy presence. I heard His ‘voice as of many waters’ speaking to me with a sense of urgency about the assignment He has given me, part of which I am carrying out now by challenging you to go deeper in God.
I can’t begin to discuss how praying for a few hours to several hours daily at different points in my life has shaped my life and ministry, and that, in tandem with God’s ordination.
I dare you to press into deeper dimensions of the person, presence and power of the Holy Spirit by praying in the spirit consistently and journaling your experiences day by day.
Here are 21 amazing benefits of speaking in tongues.
- Speaking in tongues helps you pray with the extensive vocabulary of heaven in a way that adequately captures the essence and earnestness of your prayers.
- When you pray in tongues, the Word of God opens up to you. The same Spirit who inspired the written Word will make the scriptures come alive within you.
- When you pray in tongues consistently, your spirit-man will gain the governing and controlling influence over your sense-ruled self. Your appetite for carnal things would begin to lose its grip.
- Speaking in tongues is a means of spiritual refreshing, refilling and refuelling. If you ever feel dry, you now know what to do to be restored, revived, recharged, revitalized and refired!
- When you speak in tongues, you pray, make petitions, send praises, give thanks, and magnify God. What more? You cross hurdles, avoid, circumvent and subvert the plots, ploys and powers of darkness!
- Speaking in tongues helps you to communicate directly with the God of the Universe. You move past the myriads of angels before and around His throne, you engage with God one-on-one and spirit-to-spirit.
- Speaking in tongues is communicating with God directly through the highest and most secure end-to-end encryption channel. No one can get in on it, not even satan and his cohorts.
- Praying in tongues gives God legal access to move mysteriously and miraculously in your life in a way that will render the plans of the enemy null, void, ineffective and inoperative.
- When you pray in tongues, you speak into existence the plans and purposes of God for your life. You establish the counsels of God for your life and much more.
- Speaking in tongues is the best way to give thanks and magnify God.
- Praying in tongues consistently paves the way for a deeper dimension of the same Spirit of God. You could go ankle-deep, knee-deep, or waist-deep till you experience the overflow. Even at that, you could still go deeper. No holds barred!
- Praying for a protracted period in tongues regularly will provoke recurring flashes of inspiration, cutting-edge innovations, witty ideas and solutions to stubborn problems.
- Praying in tongues is the portal entry into the supernatural realm. Learn to go deeper by praying even more in tongues.
- Praying in tongues positions you strategically for inexplicable blessings and provision for your life’s journey.
- Praying in tongues stirs up the graces and gifts in your inner man. Your spiritual gifts become sharper and more impactful.
- Praying in tongues heightens your spiritual sensitivity. Your knowing nature becomes clearer and more accurate.
- Praying in tongues enlarges your capacity to understand, appreciate, access and appropriate deep secrets and mysteries in God.
- Praying in tongues helps you sort and straighten out the unknown and complicated part of your simple request to God.
- When you pray in tongues regularly, the leading of the Holy Spirit would be easy and effortless in your life.
- When you pray in tongues regularly, God will give you prayer points in understanding (via dreams and visions) that you will have to pray according to scriptures and also in tongues.
- Praying in tongues ultimately reroutes and realigns you with the perfect will of God. If you have missed God at any point, He will get you back on track through His Word and by His Spirit as you pray in tongues.
I challenge you too, today to pray in tongues for an hour daily for the next 60 days. Choose a particular hour of the day, preferably at night or in the wee hours of the morning.
If you are taking up this challenge, kindly type “I’m in”.
If you want me to check up with you every week on this kindly send an email to me at gabriel.ladokun@hotmail.com
or send a DM to me on Instagram @ gabrielladokun
Hearty Cheers